What is Fuss?
(Pronounced with an "OO" sound like in loose.) High School Disiplinary Advisor's last name, good for replacing cuss words, especially the f-word.
"Go Fuss yourself!" "Holy Fussing Hell"
(foos) A word originating from Simon Jester's writing in The Rambler. Use it and abuse it. 1. an insult 2. a way to express intense pain or emotion 3. intercorse n., v., fussing ,fussed
What the FUSS!, Mother FUSS, FUSS you, I fussed her last night.
acronymn for Fat, Ugly, Short, and Small Dick. An "AH" can also be added that stands for Annoying and Hairy, making the word FUSS AH.
"Bob is so FUSS, he has nothing going for him. He is fat, ugly, short, and has a small dick."
To fart, pass gas, etc. Usually denoted when one of your friends backs up away from a crowd into a corner, only to return 30 seconds later as if nothing has happened.
1. "If you have to fuss, go outside. Don't do it in here!"
2. "I think someone just fussed. It smells like wet garbage in here now!"
arabic for a fart; a turd's air raid siren.
"effff.. shoo hadaaa? fusss? yeeeeee a3leik wa a3la draataak ya khara"