
What is Fust?


To fist fuck. Penetration of a vagina or anus with a fist.

I'm gonna fust the shit outta that skanktonight, her pussyis so loose its like fucking soup.


When you fuck a girl and fist her at the same time, stretching her cunt to be 20 times the size.

Jose: Maria, what's your opinion on fusting?

Maria: Oh, its quite enjoyable.

See fust, fist, fuck, cunt, vagina


to fust is to lay around one's apartment or house with their best friends in their skivvies and mess around. Actions may include making retarded noises like eeerriiiiiieeee or ugugueuguegu, squeezing eachother's teets, or poking at eachother with toesies that are in dire need of a pedicure. Fusting typically goes hand in hand with shoving food as well.

Let's rent a movie, order a pizza, and stay in tonight and fust.

See screw around, mess around, skivvy, shove, best friends


a word created by someone on nitrous oxide one day trying to say shut the fuck up like yoda so she said fust as in fuck up shut the

he was being annoying so i told him to fust

See fuck, up, shut, thriller, cunt


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