
What is Fusty?


Old-fashioned and out of date.

She was a fusty old maid.


Fucking Rusty as in Fugly.

"Man my heart rarely gets used... I think it's fusty and has seized up from misuse"

See fusty, rust, rusty, locked up, fisty, fust


1)similar to fugly, however standing standing for fat, ugly, and nasty-fusty. adj.

2) can also be used as a noun- fust n.

1)hey girl did you see that guy checkig you out? He was fusty!

2) Your bathtub needs to be cleaned, right now its a bucket of fust.

See fat, ugly, nasty, gross, fugly


A variation of the word fussy, meaning easily upset; given to bouts of ill temper. This variation is used specifically for young children, or adults acting childishly.

Honey, your being fusty, and acting like a child!

See fussy, childish, pathetic


Fusty: From the brain of FiRe, a completly random word that serves no meaning or purpose, and can be used in any sentance thats missing a word.

you boring box of fusty mule froth!


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