
What is Fuzzing?



Fuzzing is caused by the lack of blood flow in a particular area thereby producing a vibrating sensation. Fuzzing is most common on the face and hands and may cause light-headiness. Common causes of Fuzzing may be alcohol, a weed-induced high or a rush of adrenaline. Fuzzing is a short-term sensation and will wear off over time -- make the most of it.

"Oh man, my face feels like it's fuzzing"

"haha I'm starting to fuzz now"


See fuzz, dower, alcohol, high


In computer security parlance, fuzzing is the art of automatic bug finding. This is done by providing an application with semi-valid input. The input should in most cases be good enough so applications will assume it's valid input, but at the same time be broken enough so that parsing done on this input will fail. Fuzzing is mostly used to uncover security bugs.

The fuzzer spent the afternoon fuzzing his company's parts ordering system to crack the application.

See buffer overflow, cracker, hacker, fuzzer, kevin mitnick


the act in which a male skeet's into a females hair

"Yea son then when i pulled it out i started fuzzing"

See Truth


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