
What is Fwy?


something said by coach jackson that makes everyone laugh really hard. it is actually his way of saying the common question word "why", but his southern accent makes it sound nore like "fwy"

1. "n-n-now f-f-fwy would you ask another question about cowl and oiwl, Mishter Du-vall?"

2. "mishter Poowl, maybe you would like to write a ten-page paper on "fwy"!"

3. "now mishter shilumbach, fwy are the gee-kos and chumeelions playing the gee-tar over yonder on mount krakatoo?"


Abbreviation for Fuck, or Fucking, With You

See Also: FWU (variation on FWY)

No, I was joking; I was just FWY! (fucking with you)

See fwy, fwu, fucking


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