Ga Ga

What is Ga Ga?


Ga Ga is the new Ha Ha.

So in msn conversations.

So when you find something funny say "Ga Ga" not Ha Ha

" ga your so funny"

"Ow yes I already know I am"

"GA GA you make me laugh"

See ga, haha, old, new, fresh, words


Ga Ga is a game played in a pit or other variations of a pit. The game is played with a ball sort of like dodgeball, where everyone playing stands on the edges of the pit as one person throws the ball into the air. No one can touch the ball before the ball bounces three times (as the ball bounces everyone says ga) if you touch the ball before three bounces you're out. After three bounces the ball is live, you must hit the ball and try to hit someone below the knees to get them out, you cannot hit the ball twice before someone else touches it or it touches the wall. If the ball is caught, the last person to touch it before the catch is out, after a catch the ball is re thrown. The game is more fun with many people playing, the game can get very violent and people are prone to injuries because of it. The game is more popular with the Jewish community. Some rules are different where played but has the same idea

Hey do you want to play Ga Ga?

Not if its just the two of us, plus I'm still recovering from last time we played.

See game, violent


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