
What is Gabacho?


Chicano pejorative term for an English-speaking, non-Hispanic

The gabachos don't want to give drivers licenses to immigrants.

See Cornholio


White man, woman. Similar to term Gringo.

That gabacho was so uptight, he wouldn't let us get ahead in line.


Despective word, in Spain since 1530, to call all the frenchish.

Fool gabacho(gabacho loco)


1. (n.) Term used by people of Hispanic origin to refer to the United States.

(masc. in Spanish: i.e.- el Gabacho)

2. (adj.) An American person or thing.

1. Yes primo, past the Rio Grande lies El Gabacho.

2. José is such a gabacho; he pays to get his lawn mowed.


A person from France.

"Hey, amigo, have you seen this gabacho with sandals and shocks???"


Spanish slang for a French person. Pejorative.

I don't drink wine, that's just for gabachos


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