
What is G.a.d.d.?


Guy/Girl Attention Deficit Disorder.

Any person male or female who is characterized by such an extreme form of A.D.D. that the disorder transfers over to s/he's dealings with love. In other words the person cannot sufficient satisfaction from one potential mate nor maintain focus on the said person, therefore they must constantly drift from one lover too another. Essentially a womanizer/ manizer/ playerbut they have the ability to blame their actions on their 'disorder'.

Woman suffering from G.A.D.D. speaking to her 'boyfriend': When I fell outta the boat- oh by the way did I tell you the boat's name was Ol' Jim and my father names all my boats. But about falling outta the boat... OH HEY (glancing a man who just walked in... I'll be back in a little bit (runs off to the other man and immediately engages in flirtatious behavior and later repeats her action with another man)

'boyfriend' (muttering himself): Well so much for that... she needs something more than just Ritalin for that G.A.D.D.

See womanizer, manizer, player, playa, tease, flirt


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