
What is Gads?


It is NOT an adjective. It's an exclamation of disgust.

Gads! That tastes horrible.


West Coast of Scotland word for "Duff". i.e. Really bad.

Confused by the fact that "duff" can be used to mean something really good, in a sense of "irony".

"Thats well gads man"

"That birds gads, but the other is well duff"


adjective: something that is disgusting or repulsive.

can be used on its own or as part of a sentence.

used in scotland, more specfically south west

did you see that guy being sick over there?


See phrase, disgusting, repulsive, horrible


see Bhqwhgads. That's the longer and better one. this is short for Bhqwhgads.

gads is a dumbass. I don't like that dude.

See Stupy John


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