What is Gaia?
I am a senior member of gaia yet have under 1000 posts, my name is BOboDHObo
msg me!
The notion that the earth is a living organism and that every action done on the earth affects it. Also name of greeak goddess of the earth.
If you believe in Gaia, most likely you recycle.
The goddess of the Earth in the early 90's cartoon "Captain Planet". Voiced by Whoopie Goldberg.
An anime roleplaying community
Has forums, art galleries and shops.
Intereactive message board; gaiaonline
I spent all my money on gaia so I could get cool items :(
1. A forum-based website where people who have no lives go to have even less of a life whilst basking in the illusion that they actually do. I log in every day *_*;;
2. The secret weapon of the
"No, I'm sorry, I can't go out with you Suzie, I already have a boyriend on Gaia Online!" - Steve
"Let's get on our laptops and talk to each other on Gaia from across the room!"
Gaia Online- An interactive online community, consisting of a few flash games and several forums for users to talk. A good place to find people with your intrests, but known for being a horny, angsty teen hangout.
"I'm a GAIA Community Discussion whore."
An online roleplaying community. Gaia Online is addicting, entertaining, and filled with tons of
I was on Gaia last night, chatting until 3 in the morning!