
What is Gallawhacker?


A soaking wet paper towel (usu.) used to smack people in the face, aiming for the eyes.


person who gallawhacks: gallawhackist

+verb: gallawhack

++present tense: gallawhacking

++past: gallawhacked

++future: (will be) gallawhacked

Be careful not to mispronounce as "GallYwhack," its "GallAwhack."

Only known use is in Mr. Justins class, 4th period science, McMurray Middle school.

{KC, NC, WW, NC, EG, HM}

+Ooooh you got GALLAWHACKED!!

+Oh god, he's got a GALLAWHACKER!


+Ow! You GALLAWHACKED my eye!!!


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