
What is Gamey?


Used by bi-sexual/homosexuals in replacement of saying something is "gay".

Shows that the person using the term "gay" is in fact gay themselves.

God damn it I got stung...thats ga(me)y

See gay, ga(me)y, me, gamey


Smelly and rank. As if you had run around in the sun all day with a wool sweater on, then slept in the jungle, then woke up the next day and did it all over again, without showerin: you would smell pretty gamey.

Dude...put some deoderant on, you're pretty gamey.

See lizzi


A word used to describe a bird that simply by looking at her you know she's fond of the cock

Here Dunner check out that minx from kilkenny, she's gamey.

PL im off to bed, p.s. Gamey bird has sparkly knickers

See slut, whoar, tramp, easy, cock lover


someone who plays games with another person also usually to get thier way or sexual favors also, tends to act sketchyor shady

i wouldn't touch him he's gamey.

i can't believe jaimie went out with paul he's so gamey.


The act of performing a gamey is often gestured by a male to a female is a colloquial and casual manner. The act itself is nothing more than that of oral sex, or a blowjob as termed by some. The term is popular amongst Glasgow-based "Neds".

Geez a gamey, eh?!

Gordon found Steven's directions extremely helpful. So helpful, he offered to give Gordon a gamey is return. How rude it would be of Gordon to refuse!

See blowjob, oral sex, bj, giving head, cocksucking


someone who plays games with another person also usually to get thier way or sexual favors also, tends to act sketchyor shady

i wouldn't touch him he's gamey.

i can't believe jaimie went out with paul he's so gamey.


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