
What is Gamezo?


Gamezo is a subgenre of Gonzo journalism that focuses on games and is stylistically similar to New Games Journalism (NGJ).

NGJ is a style of games reportage that utilizes writing conventions that were traditionally characteristic only of novels, such as point of view, onomatopoeia, and unusual punctuation, and tends to focus on the author's individual experience in the game rather than an objective review.

Gamezo can be described as NGJ, but in a much rougher, less edited style, similar to that of Hunter S. Thompson in pieces such as "The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved" and "Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail"

Gamezo journalism is found almost exclusively in the blogosphere.

This piece has a funky gamezo feel, kind of like "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, but, you know it's about "World of Warcraft."

See games, journalism


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