
What is Gandhi?


1)Brilliant leader of non-violent Indian insurgency against British colonial rule during the first half of 20th century in. Philosophy of civil disobedience not only won independence for India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, but influenced Civil Rights movement in US through slain leader Martin Luther King Jr.

2)To shit one's pants or man-diaper with no visible sign of discomfort.

1)Gandhi inspired many millions of people to risk their lives to rid themselves of the shackles of the British Empire. He would often sit at his loom in a diaper. This was awe inspiring.

2)Uncle Joe would watch the Sunday games in his old Barcalounger with the food tray in front of him. Nary a facial muscle would twitch when he gandhied during the half-time show. The stench was unbelievable.

See british, shit, shiite, diaper, loom


A bald little Indian dude who just so happened to be one of the most evolved souls the world has ever known.

He was famous for his practice of non-violence by which he won India's independence from the British Empire without a shot. (You tell me of any other revolution that has been so successful.) Non-violence ("ahimsa") is basically the doctrine of not being a dickweed. This applies not only to humans but to animals and plants--literally "all living things". Gandhi was a fruitarian, although later in life he ashamedly reverted to drinking goats' milk due to an attack of dysentery. (Go figure, they hadn't yet invented soymilk 100 years ago.)

Was killed because his progressive ideas didn't sit well with a certain moronic faction. And I must correct the poster who said he was killed by a Muslim. He was killed by a Hindu. Yes, even though Gandhi himself was a Hindu, he was killed by his own kin because they feared Gandhi's posture of universal tolerance toward Muslims. Just goes to show you that moronism supercedes religious affiliation. Morons are universal.

Other notable acheivement:

Popularized those cool "John Lennon glasses" long before John Lennon was even born.

Contemporary uses of the term "Gandhi":

Any time you can quote Gandhi, you win. Hands down.

MOM: What were you doing out all night? Getting high, I suppose? You & your hoodlum friends are nothing but trouble!

KID: Well, you know what Gandhi said, "The greatness of any nation can be judged by how well it treats its animals."

MOM: wtf?

KID: You wouldn't understand.

See ahimsa, hindu, muslim, india, cool, fruitarian


Mohandas Karamchamd Gandhi. Indian Lawyer, Politician,Pacifist that Give India Freedom without killing anyone (for war-lover ¨poltician¨, please see george bush ).

He is also famous for his active practice of non-violent protests, that included fasting. Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela Were both inspired by him.

Gandhi also fought against castes-in india the lowest cast wasn´t able to drink water from a fountain, neither eat fresh food, not even TOUCHING an aryan(indian´s ¨superior¨ caste)`s shadow.

He was shot by a indian-muslim separatism fanatical.His last words were ¨he Ram¨(dear god.

Sadly, a weapon-killing-war loving people who adore guns,(and happen to be associated) started a gandhi-is-nazi campaign, as it was seen on the show of two im-larger-than-life pseudointellectual magician wannabes

Of course this is total bullshit, but well...haters will exist as long as ingnorance exist.

Einstein(quote): in the future nobody will believe such a saint man ever lived.

Gandhi(quote): I do not believe god is truth, the TRUTH is God

See peace, india, freedom, truth, love, haters, politics, history


A word used to replace the word "cool"

it actually sounds better

in fact, try it out right now :D does sound better

That's Hella "GANDHI"

I'm too "GANDHI" for that

I'm so "GANDHI" i can't help myself

That song is hella "GANDHI"

See gandi, cool, indian, ahmed


(n) a peaceful state of mind; a method of maintaining peace in light of being provoked

I'm trying to maintain my gandhi even though I hate him.

See peace, maintain, fight, brawl, avoid


The lack of oxygen to the brain commonly spoken when referring to drugs.

Dude last night I was so Gandhi I could have sworn I saw a huge ass panda ripping apart spinach in the toilet. When I woke up and my Gandhi was gone I realized that it was my pussy on the floor.

See god, hitler, apple, mac, drugs, panda


To be extremely high and/or drunk.

I just smoked 3 blunts and drank a couple of Colt 45s. I'm gandhi.


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