Gangsta Rap

What is Gangsta Rap?


Gangsta rap was formed...i think it was '87 maybe earlier by N.w.A., the niggas wit attitude. people often get rap and gantsa rap confused when they say all rap glorifies rape, murder, women as sex objects, guns, etc...however when you hear these lyrics you are listening to gantsta rap, not just normal rap. gangsta rap is credited as the reason why hip hop music is so controversial. lately, gangsta rap has become much more tame (although it is still pretty hardcore, look at DMX) then the days of NWA.

If you hate hip hop and think it is all about bad shit, look at some other rappers that are not in gangsta rap, for example chamillionaire, paul wall, mos def, etc

See rap, hip hop, rap music, gangsta rap, hip hop music


Subgenre of rapwhich became very popular in the late 80s and early 90s due to popularity of performers like Ice T and N.W.A. Originally was used to describe harsh realities of life for a modern black male living in poor areas of US. Later, however, the genre expanded and included downright vile messages of violence and hatred against white people, females and so-called "haters" (people who dislike the genre or particular performer).


-Sense that some of performers suffer from severe severe mental retardation (see Nelly, Ja Rule, 50 Cent, Snoop Dog, Cash Money Records roster)

-Mumbling (in some cases) see Lloyd Banks, I20)

-Heavy use of profanities - in particular, words like "hoe" or "bitch" (female), "nigga" (friendly black male or female) and to lesser extent "cracker"/"white devil" (applied to white males primarily)

-Heavy use of words "aha" and "what?" in the background.

-Poetic lines similar to the ones below

"Well nigga lets get one thing clear, I don't leave the block without my glock.

Is it because i'm standing with your bitch? Or got all these stones on my wrists?

Don't think you're leavin' here with this. I don't leave the block without my glock."

-Stabs at balladry, usually dedicated to Tupac Shakur (who is currently releasing new material, 10 years after being shot) and to lesser extent to Biggie Smalls (who is recording new material after being shot, but not as often as Tupac). However, some ballads are dedicated to other subjects as love and non-violence (see Ja Rule, DMX)

-Almost total absence of females in the genre. The ones that do rap (see Lil Kim, Foxy Brown) tend to talk about material things and their love of thugs. However, there's a large amount of beautiful black ladies who appear in videos, usually in order to satisfy enormous sexual appetites of male performer.

-Heavy use of jewelry and extremely expensive cars in videos, all of which are discussed in lyrics in detail.

Dude, have you heard that new track by Ludacris ?

No, dude, i'm not into gangsta rap. It sounds dumb to me.

Well, he actually sounded like a horny moron talking on the phone to one of his slutty girls.

See gangsta, black girls, hood, 50 cent, bling-bling


The worst sub-genre of rap there is. It condones violence, use of recreational drugs, racism and other prejudices, objectification of women, and hatred, just to name a few things. What's worse is that because most mainstream rap is gangsta rap, many people seem to think that it's the epitome of rap and that it reflects the entire genre. Because of these overgeneralizations, many people miss out on the great music that is alternative rap. Gangsta rappers set a bad example for young and impressionable black kids everywhere. They don't even realize how negatively influencial their "music" is. Gangsta rap- not music, but a desecration of the respectable genre of rap.

50 Cent and Mike Jones are both gangsta rappers. However, they are niether gangstas nor rappers.

See rap, hip hop, gangsta, gangster, music


1)A hypocritical musical genre in which its authors glorify violence, drug dealing, murder, and sex. When the author's are asked about it's influence over the youth they commonly respond by saying "I'm not glorifying im just telling what I've seen growing up"..... However when you listen closely in the music 9 outta 10 times this is not the case.

2)The reason alot of these young nigga's is dyin.

3) A perversion of true Hip-Hop.

4) A contributory factor in the genocide of African American's in which greedy mogul's such as Jay-Z, Puffy, 50 cent etc.. know, yet they don't care cause it sales.

5) Just another reason for white folks to call black folks ignorant.

1)Yo son word on the street is the number one cause of death for black youth is murder, but I aint hearin that cause I got my headphones on listening to my mentors in this gangsta rap song.

2)Racist: "We don't gotta hang'm no more all you gotta do is lettem play dat der gangsta rap and letem kill themselves."

See mockery, greedy, blind, fool, illuminati


Gangsta rap:

It is important to note how I use the definition of the word music. ..The term music in this case is used to describe the art form of Gansta rap. However, One could say that I am using the term loosely And conclude that one is being polite rather than use an explicative such as garbage instead.I also use the term artist loosely And art form as well.

1.)An art form that employs hate, greed, crime, drugs violence and the belittlement of women . used in conjunction with sampled sounds and rips and vocals from rock songs . To promote a form of art that lacks any talent with the exception of various colorful metaphors or fowl language or combinations there of.

2.)A form of music that uses sampled sounds from the work of real musicians to fortify the lack of talent of the artist.

3.) A highly simplified form of music by which the non-musician can produce beats and patterns in combination with sampled sounds from true musicians work and then combine with lyrics.

4.) An art form not recognized by musicians as music. Where extremely dumb people shout obscenities and sample Tracks from the songs of rock or other musicians.

5.) A form of music whereby the artist has no talent what so ever and lacks the ability to compose music. Most” Gansta Rappers” lack any form of musical training or ability or knowledge in any instrument whatsoever.

6.) A form of idiotic behavior where by young men who have never lived in the ghetto or experience hardship of any kind. Yet dress and act as though they had. <poser> Most of which wear their pants around the buttocks area for purposes unknown. The majority of which look completely stupid to everyone else despite that they feel themselves to be stylish.

7.) The Only form of music that seems to have a contagious ‘dumbing down’ effect. It is advised of people to avoid listening to it to prevent lowering ones IQ.

8.) The current form of art used by major record labels to sell Cds And mp3s and make billions of dollars from obscenities , stolen music and regurgitated lyrics from bastardized rock songs. Although people are being ripped off they seem to buy this form of music and it is a far simpler form of music for the weak minded individual.

9.) A form of bastardization where by one can using a computer and simplistic equipment take high quality sampled clips of rock or other forms of music and combine them with artificial drum beats and base tracts combined with a number of repetitive obscenities. And record a “song“.

Gangsta rap-

The typical gansta rapper feels that going to prison is a right of passage. They lack education, common sense , manners and good dressing habits. A great many of the Rappers of this time are homophobes who are in fact closeted homosexuals. Names such as 50 cent and Snoop dog are but only 2 names on the list of several homosexual/pedophile rappers who publicly object to homosexuality yet behind close doors engage in homosexual acts. Rappers such a snoop dog and 50 cent are known for having drug additions such as the use of crack cocaine that in effect warps their minds.

See cracky, garbage, putridity, fowl, wrong, idiots


An oxymoron. The #1 rule of being a gangsta is to keep you law breakings quite, but #1 rule of being a rapper is to tell everyone about what you did.

Gangsta 1: Im such a gangsta rapper! I just shot that dude and now I'm gonna tell the whole world.

Gangsta 2: You are a dumb mother fucker.

See gangsta rap, gangster rap, rap, gangsta, white, cracka


White man's favorite type of music because its the sound of an entire race of people losing all self respect they ever had.

A genre of rap that sells out and stereotypes an entire race of people, and rap in general. White people like it because it "raps" about gangs, sex, and drugs, something that middle class America doesn't experience in general. Also, because of gangsta rap, other less violent-tone versions of rap are underappriciated and stereotyped.

Non-White Person: Why you so happy about 50 Cent's new "hit"?

White Guy (Bobbin his head): 'Cause gangsta rap is the sound of MAlcom X and MLR Jr. rolling in their graves!! Biatch!!!

See racism, crap, sellout


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