What is Gapo?
Stands for: Gorilla Arm Pit Odor. When someone smells disgusting esp. like shit. Offensive body odor. Pronounced gap o
I couldn't stand next to Mike because he had major gapo.
a very bad armmpit odor(from giant armpit odor)
Whoever has the GAPO needs to put some deodorant on when they get the chance.
An accronym from the words" gorrilla arm pit odor"
To have armpits smelling like a gorilla.
"shit,dont you bathe? you have a nasty case of GAPO"
Gorilla Arm Pit Odor - The odor emitting from the underarm after consumming large quantities of twinkies, beer, pickled eggs, and popcorn.
Huge GAPO man.
(Great American Pitch Out)
A game played during english class and study block.
Invoves a target with areas of different points preferably in incriments of 25. Players get 5 pitches and attempt to acheive the highest score possible
Me: Hey Whats your GAPO Standing?
You: I'm in 5th place i lost by 75 last game