
What is Gargamelian?


Gar·ga·mel·ian (adj.)

Pronunciation: gar-gē-me-lē-ən

Etymology: Gargamel (see Smurfs, 1958)

1: Of or relating to Gargamel

2: Acting in such a way as to display commonalities with Gargamel, inc. duplicity, carelessness, incompetence, incomprehensible motivations, a marked lack of planning, petty evil.

Governor Sanford's recent secret trip to Argentina was Gargamelian in execution.

See gargamellian, smurfs, conservatism


Main Entry:

- Gar·ga·mel·ian


- gar-gē-me-lē-ən


- adjective


- Gargamel (see Smurfs)


- 1958

1: Of or relating to Gargamel

2: Acting in such a way to display common qualities associated with Gargamel, such as duplicity, carelessness, incompetence, incomprehensible motivations, a marked lack of planning, and a sort of petty evil.

This whole "get universities to ban Darwin" plot is Gargamelian in it's glory. It's the only word I can think of to describe it.

See duplicity, incompetence, evil, incomprehensible


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