Gay Homo

What is Gay Homo?


Someone who is, bizarrely, so excessively gay as to actually do a full 180 degree turn in terms of sexual orientation. A very confused person.

Also a phrase used by complete idiots. I mean, really STUPID people. Am I right? Of course I'm right. Why else would I be typing it? I probably should have finished this definition a few lines ago.

"Duh, you're a gay homo"

"The gay society shunned Bob the gay homo for his double-gayness"

See do I have to put something here?


gay homo same as

that is if i translate the latin

or happy same as

if i then use the old meaning

i would quite like to be called a gay homo it would realy mean being called the same as happyness and thats realy sweet

uhhr you gay homo

aww thanks thats realy nice

uhhr what i called you gay

yes and i am, very happy


what all you ppl h3r3 R

you ppl h3r3 are so gay

See loco asshole


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