
What is Gay-a-bee?


Somebody who pretends to be homosexual to boost their popularity and be the hottest gossip in school etc. More often than not its a sad fat loser who deciedes hes fed up of being unknown , and in a desperate attempt for social acceptance , he sells his soul to the public and plays up to this new role. Even though the only change in him is his sexuality , he immediately thinks hes gods gift to the world , and because hes surrounded by 'Pretend -friends' who are happy enough to do his bidding he can get away with being full of himself.

1. Gay-a-bee:" I used to be a sad fat loser with no friends"

Normal human being:" Whats changed"

Gay-a-bee:"Well now im Gay."

Normal human being:" Oh Right ..'Gay'"

2. Girl 1 :" Damn i hate that motherfucking Gay-a-bee . Hes so rude and bitchy to me . Why doesent anyone beat the crap outta him!!"

Girl 2 :" Hes gay . Hes allowed to now."

See wannabee, loser, faker, pretender, man-whore


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