
What is Gaybasher?


Someone who demonstrates their ignorance, intolerance, closed-mindedness & evil ways through violence towards those that appear at all different to them. (Also can be a beater of any race, sex, religion or social class that is not of their own)>

Mike & Ray were fagbashed by a drunken idiot when all they were doing was walking home peacefully. The same idiot who claims to love his wife yet beats her on a daily basis--but THEY were married in the church so that makes it OK!

See NC


Perpetrator of an assault based purely to mostly upon victim's alleged homosexuality.

The gaybashers were convicted to 10 years in prison for killing that young teenage guy.


A subset of people who think hurting others different than themselves is a perfectly acceptable thing to do.

Smith was recently arrested for killing someone in a gaybashing incident.

See Dan


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