
What is Gayboy?


(n.) A young male homosexual. For a better definition as well as origin see Gaylord

Elitist is a gayboy.

See Kung-Fu Jesus


a boy often called sean who likes to wear mr. rude tops, is known to be very stubborn and obviously likes sexual activities with men rather than women

*looks at a boy wearing a mr rude top and is not letting an argument go.. and hears him say his name is sean*

group of boys: he is a blatent gayboy

See gay, boy, gayboy, homosexual, stubborn


Someone who acts awkward or just like a general dickhead for no apparent reason.

Kyle: Hey Vinny lend us 5p for this coke

Vinny: errrr... can't afford to

Kyle: you've got loads of money, why are you being a gayboy?

See gayboy, vinny, dickhead, fuckface, fuckhead, cunt


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