
What is Gayspeak?


(GAY-speek)n. communication between homosexual males (usually in private) who speak in a familiar manner that comes across, initially ,as polite discourse but it is usually loaded with rancor and/or sarcasm

Tod: "Hey Queen. Don't you look lovely today"

Ted: "Thank you Miss Thing! I do don't I?"

Tim: "You two are a real mess."

Tod: "What's her problem? Didn't get any last night?"

Ted: "Whatever! The bitch thinks she's all that..."

Tim: "You girls work my nerves with all that gayspeak. You sound like a couple of black women."

Tad: "You know what they say honey: Trapped inside every gay man is a black female entertainer."

Tim and Tod: "Thank you honey!"

See homosexuals, sarcasm, conversation


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