
What is Geeks?


A geek is a person who is socially excluded from a general population. Unlike nerds, geeks do not necessarily have to be smart. They often create groups among themselves, and generally have these similar characterizations:

-lack of participation in physical activities, such as sports

-an interest in computer

-a crude sense of humor radically different from common society

-a negative attitude toward common society.

Bill Gates was probably a geek in high school, and probably still is today.

See freefall


The kids in high school who are considered the losers.

Ironically, those "losers" will be the bosses of the cool kids in high school, if those cool kids ever reach the same intelligence level as the once geeks(possibly not).

Call them what you want, geeks are the ones that will succeed in life, while the cool kid in high school that did drugs will do just that for the rest of his shitty life.

See nerd, slang, losers, computer jockey, bill gates, fuckitall


Un popular people who no one likes, and who don't care because they have an IQ higher than most of the school jocks can count and because in 15 years they will be earning more than five times as much money as said jocks. (Note: This definition is not biased at all. What gave you that idea?)

The geek Jake used to make fun of in high school was on the front page, surrounded by money. Jake considered hitting him up for money, then decided to find some other way to support his heroin addiction.

See Geek


people who prioritises productive, creative, individual hobbies and interests over image and social life. Note: There are some people you might think of as geeks who give us all a bad name and ARE NOT! geeks rock. chav-geeks as I call them definately don't.

after a few hours doing what they enjoy a non-geek might be liying in a pile of their own vomit while a geek has just invented a program that will make him a millionaire!


People who Society deems is strange due to there love of Computers, Science Fiction, and or Fantasy.(like the lord of the rings movies) People who were dubbed geeks often get jobs working with computers or technology in general.

Geeks are closely related too nerds

See nerd, strange, science fiction, computer, weird


Someone who will go far in the future.

Geek today, boss tomorrow.

See Bob


1. Plural of geek. A highly evolved nerd, whose IQ surpasses yours, no doubt (and most likely mine)

2. That kid you beat up last year (he's so gonna *pwn j00* later on in life)

All your base are belong to us!!

See wysiwyg


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