
What is Gellin?


Gellin' means you're wearing the new insoles by Scholls

If you're Gelling, you're not gellin'.

Gelling means you use goopy L.A. Looks hair gel and you're an assclown.

I'm gellin' like a felon, want some melon ?

See Poster Nutbag



1. Belonging to an exclusive group (clique) made up of people wearing Dr Scholls Gel inserts.

2. Having greater perceived social value due to inclusion in, or relation to, said group.

This term is often used in conjunction with other words that rhyme with it. The more rhyming words used, the more one is Gellin'. Misguided individuals who believe that they are Gellin' when they are not often say that they are "gelling." It is easy to pick out these individuals because they never rhyme their words. And they are horrible dancers.

A: Are you Gellin'?

B: I'm Gellin' like a felon. Care for some melon?

A: I'm so Gellin', I'm Gellin' like Magellan.

C: I'm gelling!

(A and B are Gellin' while C is not.)

See commercial, gelling, shoes, clique


1)A "gangsta" or "wanksta" way to say 'cool'

2)A way to call a bluff (gansta/wanksta)

1)Dude! Your new car is gellin, bro!

2)Mike: Man, you look like a turd. Your bling sucks, and your clothes aint worth a dime fo sho.

David: Dude, you're so not gellin. I kick ass.


A way to call a bluff, to put someone in their place, to make them feel like they don't belong to the "in-group"

"Dude, you're so not gellin'."


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