Genital Warts

What is Genital Warts?


this is what people are talking about, when they say somebody has Percy, so beware of anyone who has this condition.

I wish I didn't have these genital warts

See hpv, sores, percy, std, warts


Something you should shout out at the most random, inane time possible for instant hilarity.

Teacher: The exam will last for 1 hour, does anyone have anything to say before we begin?

Random dude: Yeah, GENITAL WARTS!

See genital, warts, are, a, serious, but, hilarious, issue


A hard sort of lump/mound that lives within a man/womans southern region e.g penis

Amy: Shit man, did you hear bout Mike?

Alice: What?!

Amy: Sally went down on him and there were these huge genital warts, hiding in his pubes!

Alice: Shittttt!

See mound, wart, lump, pubic hair


Warts found on a mans penis or womans VAGINA! You receive warts on that area when a girl shoves a frog up there Vagina and a mans penis makes contact with it while have sexy time!

Boy: Can i check your vagina first?

Girl: Sure.....why?

Boy: Just checking for frogs

Girl: Oh.....

Boy: I wouldnt want Genital Warts

See frogs, vagina, boob


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