
What is Genrader?


Sometimes referred to as a Genny, the Genrader is a particular speciecs of brachiopod that is mostly land-dwelling and can be found lurking in the shadows of Alabama back alleys and butcher store rendereing facilities. For inexplicable reasons, this creature holds bankers and "evil-ution" proponents as its mortal enemies, perhaps due in large part to it's disproportionately large, thick skull and minute brain. To find one and possibly catch one, the hunter merely needs to shout:"BANKERS!!" or just follow the slime trail.

"Mr. Darwin! This Genrader here seems to be caught in a conundrum between creation 'theory' and evolutionary reality! Shall we catalogue it under Dufus maximus?"

See dufus, slime trail, alabama


A type of individual utterly incapable of civilized, moral thought.

For example, a Genrader would enter a sexually perverted definition into slangdefine if given the opportunity.

See dense, mental, sexy


The name of a Star Wars Galaxies player noted for his exceptional skill in war and diplomacy. An avid fan of anything Star Wars and Star Trek, Genrader loves to participate in any related discussion and attends conventions of every kind.

Genrader, an Alabama native, is also known for his staunch conservatism and strict interpretation of the Bible.

Terribliz: Genrader! I need reinforcements!

Genrader: Worry not, friend! I shall turn the tide of this battle.

Terribliz: George W. Bush would be proud.

See awesome, cool, sci-fi, republican, libertarian, star wars, star trek


The name of a Star Wars Galaxies player noted for his exceptional skill in war and diplomacy. An avid fan of anything Star Wars and Star Trek, Genrader loves to participate in any related discussion and attends conventions of every kind.

Genrader, an Alabama native, is also known for his staunch conservatism, strict interpretation of the Bible, and rejection of all things scientific that contradict his personal views.

Terribliz: Genrader! I need reinforcements!

Genrader: Worry not, friend! I shall turn the tide of this battle.

Terribliz: George W. Bush would be proud.

See genrader, alabama, star wars, galaxies, swg, conservatism, science, religion, fanatic, fanboi, redneck, child, republican


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