What is Genuine Disadvantage?
1. Getting robbed by
2. Having to waste lots of time to view the FBI warnings every time one starts to play a genuine
3. The compatibility problems associated with protected audio CD's. While the consumers buying genuine versions have to cope with these problems, the others using pirated versions with no copy protection or downloading MP3's and burning CD's themselves are not affected. An extreme example was the
4. The annoying tendency of some games to require that the game CD-ROM is present every time the game is started/played even if the game is fully installed on the hard drive. Again, the pirated versions often come with a patch which disables the CD check, thus creating a more pleasant gaming experience.
Person 1: 'I actually paid Microsoft 599 euros for this piece of crap and now it says it's not genuine'
Person 2: 'That's just unfair'
Person 3: 'But that's just Microsoft's Genuine Disadvantage'