What is Geoff?
someone who is full of the bills and has literally ALL the bitches n hoes after him. but does not like to take them from all other playa's and gangsta's. he is a respectable man.
"yo dammnn that guys a hugggge Geoff!
"to geoff it" : to hint at a perverted version of anything.
you just geoffed it.
Etymological studies lead to believe this was a Celtic derivation in nowadays Holland. It translates roughly as either a state of grandiose magnificence or one who is God of everything and has a heart of oak.
Man, I feel so Geoff
This guy's a real Geoff
Another way of spelling the name "Jeff"; not to be confused with
Full Spelling: Geoffrey
Geoff Loves Kayla
Kayla Loves Geoff
the sweetest boy in the world! geoff is cute like a teddy bear, but he's better because he talks! he has a big heart and can always make you laugh and smile. geoff loves video games, pizza, and cute animals like doggies. geoff is the best!
Wow I love Geoff!
Geoff, please stop playing games so we can eat some pizza!
I hope I find someone as good as Geoff...
i think someone once told me a Geoff is a pirate oppossum with 6 legs that is a crew member of most serpentine space vessels. They're astrophysicists most of the time...but not usually. They have a diet of mostly girraffe eggs and rhinocerous bladders and are none too pleasant to speak with if you just happen to be a fucking dumbass...they eat those bagels heads like licorice...chocolate licorice.
Unicorns and Bagels are the shit!
SELVAJE when drunk, Likes to sing in the mirror, dance in the moonlight, and hump unsold stuffed animals at Toys R us.
Security!, We have another indecient exposure at toys r us.. Geoff has the Simba look -a-like animal again..
the most amazing guy in the entire world. he has my heart =]
geoff is the best =]