George Bush

What is George Bush?


The president who staged the first preemptive strike in the history of the United States of America using the sole justification that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

Later, when no wmds were found, he fiddled with terror alerts, implied connections between Iraq and 9/11, changed the definition of the word "liberation" to "invasion", and generally deceived the American people.

George Bush constantly encourages misconceptions about the war on Iraq and John Kerry, possibly because he does not understand these things himself.

If you disagree, tell me, why DID we go to war with Iraq? Don't just say why we should have gone, or what makes sense to you (i.e. Saddam Houssein was a dictator, find out exactly what George Bush told us.

George Bush is either incredibly dumb or... no, he's just incredibly dumb.


My motivation to continue further education of the English language so I won't ever have to suffer the embarassment of repeating any of his grammatical errors.

"The only reason I pay attention in my english class is so I don't end up pulling a George Bush on anyone."


Someone who

1. Turned the largest US surplus into the largest deficit in American history, then gives tax cuts when he should be raising taxes to get more money for the country. (And of course, he only gives tax cuts to all of his rich buddies.)

2. Blamed bin Laden for 9/11 (which is okay), but when he couldn't find him, made Americans forget about him by diverting their attention to Saddam Hussein, who had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. Has he found bin Laden? Has he found any WMDs? Didn't think so.

3. Feels the need to stick his nose in Iraq's business and "improve" their government while bombing and completely destroying Iraq-it's obvious it's just an excuse to go to war.

4. Lies about there being NO terrorist attacks since 9/11, when there have been quite a few that he covers up or makes America forget about. (Like that anthrax threat a few years ago for example.)

5. Passes the Patriot Act to keep America safe from terrorists while arresting people who aren't terrorists, never catching the people who are, and violating SIX AMENDMENTS of the Constitution.

6. Passes "Clean Air Act" which actually makes the air dirtier.

7. Makes every country in the world besides Britain and Poland hate us.

8. Quits the Kyoto Protocol because it would make his rich buddies actually spend some money to reduce global warming, and God forbid anyone has to spend money.

9. Throws ultimatums at the American people that only a complete idiot could fall for (and a lot have) like "You're with us or you're with the terrorists" and basically just gets America to be loyal to him out of fear.

10. Only gets into Yale because of his father and passes with a C- average.

11. Has said enough stupid things to fill 265 pages of "Bushisms" books.

12. Gets elected into office after losing by over 10,000 votes. Do you think it's a coincidence that his brother was the governor of the state that the whole election depended on in 2000??

George Bush is a COMPLETE FUCKING ASSHOLE who never should have been elected, is one of the worst people in the country to earn the job of president and definitely is the worst president we have ever had or will ever have.

See anonymous


"...and so he led the country to fascism. A fascist country is one that runs mostly using military power, with a strong sense of nationalism...much like a dictatorship...he used propaganda to discriminate against a certain scapegoat - usually a country or religious group."

-History textbook

"The Rise of Hitler"

Canada still has room for 49% of the American population.


a dumbass. a dumbass who got elected by well, dumbasses. he is the reason why we lost our allies. he is the reason why so many innocent people in iraq are losing their lives. the only smart thing he will ever do is die. (:

"Hi i'm george bush and i have come to make your nation go down the drain."

See sara


Proof that Darwin's theory of evolution can also go backwards.

"It's important for people to know that I'm the president of everybody."

"If you see a train wreck coming, you ought to be saying, what are you going to do about it, Mr. Congressman, or Madam Congressman?"

"We want results in every single classroom so that one single child is left behind."

"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"


A man who has had everything in life handed to him on a silver platter by his father, including a spot in the national gaurd instead of vietnam, permission to go AWOL from that spot in the national gaurd, numerous failed businesses, the governership of Texas, and (through his father's friends and supreme-court appointees) the presidency. A man with a curious penchant for saying one thing and doing another (hydrogen powered cars, "no child left behind" that left a whole shitload of kids behind, "clean air act" which made the air dirtier, claimed his tax cuts did not unfairly benefit the rich, claimed he would "raise the tone" in DC, WMD's, etc). Is able to get away with his lies due to a complacent, corporate media that is nothing more than the attack dogs of the Republican Party.

George Bush is the worst president at least since Nixon.


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