George Michael

What is George Michael?


He may be homosexual, he may have been charged with an act of lewdness, but the man's musical talent shoots all of the negativity down in flames.

He is an amazing songwriter and singer, he done such great pieces of music, particularly in his solo career, and he remains one of the most influential figures in Britsh music today.

Great songs include 'As', the duet he did with Mary J. Blige, 'Fast Love', 'Outside' and many more.


Best personality ever on the best sitcom ever, Arrested Development. He has a crush on his cousin (but its OK because she is really hot). He is not to be confused with the Singer-Songwriter guy who keeps getting busted for drugs by the police.

After Michael finds out George Michael was trying to buy pot for Buster:

Michael: Your Uncle Gob seems to think that he saw you down at the docks today. Was that you?

George Michael: No. No. Maybe it was the other George Michael. You know, the singer-songwriter.

Michael: Yeah, that makes sense.

See george michael, george, michael, arrested development


Slag term used to refer to uncomfortable levels of heat, the term refers to said temperatures being "Wham" (Warm) and is thus referred to as "George Michael".

Can also be shortened to "George"

It's a bit George Michael in here lads, I'm going to open a window

See michael, micheal, warm, wham


Whenever a george micahel song is played, something dies in the world

God damn is he gay, it killed my cat


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