George W. Bush

What is George W. Bush?


Proof that voting in America can be rigged. Instigated the 9/11 attacks with his illogical foreign policies, and made the world hate America even more by starting an illegal oil warin Iraq. He has also succeeded in turning America from a once prosperous nation into a debt-ridden chaos.

Way to go, Dubya.



only man alive to make Forest Gump look smart

Mama always said stupid is as George W Bush does


A political puppet of large companies whose main goals in life are getting rich and destroying the planet in the process.

That's not a president, that's a prostitute!


Perhaps the worst, most hypocritical, idiotic president the U.S. has ever had in office (and anyone who supports him and his war effort in the Middle East needs a foot broken up into his/her ass and his/her facts straightened out).

George W. Bush is a dick!


He's our current president. I am a very Christian person and I hate the man. Yes, he's Christian but he doesn't seem to get separation of church and state. And I don't get how you could say abortions are a sensless waste of life yet send innocent people off to war and blow up people in an underdeveloped country for shady reasons. And I'm sick of the conservatives calling themselves 'normal people' and 'patriots'. I have a normal, boring life and I love my country, but I could never love GWB.

ignorance plain and simple.


1. A contradictive representative for "Neo-Conservatives" who insist this monkey was "elected" because ironically, so was Adolf Hitler;

2. The soul reason that the Founding Fathers would have sabotaged the American Revolution themselves had they foreseen what electoral representation would amount to in the future;

3. The representation of the irony in a president so hell bent on sending other people's kids to war when he RAN away from military service in his youth (see awolbush);

4. While he "didn't inhale," sniffed A LOT of crack and accumulated DUI charges during his alcoholism/cocaine hey-dayz.

"You know I could run for governor but I'm basically a media creation. I've never done anything. I've worked for my dad. I worked in the oil business. But that's not the kind of profile you have to have to get elected to public office."

--- George W. Bush, 1989.


1) A natural disaster which struck the united states in 2000 A.D. and flooded the American media with manipulation and lies.

2) Reincarnation of both Hitler and Alf.

If you don't support war then you're not a patriot. You love America, right?


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