What is Germish?
The politically correct way of saying the language of Gerpersony (Germany).
-Man, I love Germish music. Rammstein rocks!
-Germish? You mean German.
-Wow, man, not cool, that's so sexist of you. Get in the 21st century, there, bud. Let's go watch Jessica Simpson wash a car on Much.
A combination between German and Spanish.
Oh wow there are a lot of Germish people in Chile since WWII.
I wish I was Germish, so I look white, but I'm still a minority
A mixture between German and Irish. We're drunken nazis! Aaaaaaaaaand stuff. Mostly used to mock all the abbreviations most people use in their typing. Zing!
He r Germish lozlozlozlzolzozl!!1ONE