What is Gertjaars?
Nolife #1 ranked RuneScaper. He is allergic to the sun and can be found next to his multiple computers. He e-flirts in his free time in a failed attempt to get some runescape pussy.
Bob: Hey Mike, did you pull a Gertjaars last weekend?
Mike: Yeh, I didn't leave my computer once!
Runescape's current no. 1 player. The first person to acheive 200million xp in 4 skills. He passed Zezima in xp, the first time that has happened since the days of Novalyfe.
Hahah Gertjaars pwns Zezima
No 1. nolifer @ highscores containing 1 million players.
Gertjaars sucks Zezima OWNS forever!
the role model for all people in australia to grow up just like him and fail at life playing runescape for 20 hours and sleeping for 4 hours
i want to grow up and be just like gertjaars
No. 1 on the RuneScape hiscores. He beat Zezima when the Summoning skill came out. People worship him like a god and you will usually see people going "OMG GERTJAARS!" in his presence. If he turns private on he will be spammed.
*Gertjaars appears out of nowhere in Falador*
Gertjaars: Hi.
Random people..
Omg Gertjaars
Z0mg Gertjaars ftw!
Omg Gertjaars give me fr33 st00f p10x