Get Out Of Punx

What is Get Out Of Punx?


To be told to leave Punk Rock for doing something extremly Un-Punk.

You went to the mall? GET OUT OF PUNX!

See Trash


When we went to DISNEYLAND, they kicked us out suddenly.

DISNEYLAND GET OUT OF PUNX! we felt fuckin sick

they told me to wash hair. they told me to take off jackets.

DISNEYLAND GET OUT OF PUNX! we felt fuckin sick

disneyland get out of punx to make fuckin money

disneyland get out of punx to make fuckin dream

disneyland wanna make dream. so they put down punx

DISNEYLAND GET OUT OF PUNX! we felt fuckin sick

they make fuckin money. they make fuckin dream

DISNEYLAND GET OUT OF PUNX! we felt fuckin sick

Here, now we never have to search for the fucking lyrics again.

See Heather


No, Robby, YOU get out of punx!

Seriously, OUT!


forums who take our shit get out of punx

those who take out their agression on mild mannered punx get out of punx. makes me fuckin sick


Why don’t you BOTH get out of punx!!11

Seriously Scubasteve, get out of punx



this is the best ever.

Jen needs to get out of punx.


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