
What is Gewgle?


An internet domain name secured by google When entered into a browser will re-direct you to google. Made specifically for people with enough curiosity and boredom to actually try it.

Person 1: What's the meaning of life?

Person 2: I dont know, gewgle that.

Person 1: Dont you mean Google?

Person 2: Same thing...noob. lolz

See google, gooogle, ebay, ytmnd


A websitewhich used to have pictures of dragons sent in by the public until Google sued because the names sounded too similar. Now gewgle redirects to google

gewgle has moved to drag0wn since the google lawsuitin case you want to check out dragon pictures.

See google, dragon, lawsuit, gewgle


simply a rewriting of the popular search engine, google

Hey dude, where did you find your english essay?

I just searched on gewgle, duuude!

See google, search engine, internet, interweb


Gewgle is a website identical to google.

"Hey Jimmy, lets go to google!"

"No Billy, lets go to gewgle!"

"No Jimmy! They are the same!!!!"

See google, gewgle, googel, gewgal, gewgel, google


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