
What is Gg?


"Good Game"

1. A polite remark uttered after the end of a round, game, or other measured interval to indicate that a match was fair and enjoyable. Usually uttered collectively by the occupants of a game server. The opposite of BG

2. A condescending remark, often uttered by somebody who does not know meaning 1, and is simply repeating what others have told them.

1. At round end:

<Volmarias> gg

<Rill-a-roni> gg

<Dagashi> gg

<Asno> gg

<Tard> gg



Exclamation: A way of resignedly expressing one's own defeat or disgust with a situation. Often followed by the object in question.

*toy breaks*

person: gg plastic

person was killed by headshot from awp

person: gg overpowered awp

Cats: You have no chance to survive, make your time.

Captain: gg

See weee


Overused to the point of vulgarity abbreviation intended to stand for "good game." When people say it no matter what (especially when the winners say it), it dilutes the phrase to the point of meaninglessness. They might as well just say "hahah we kicked your asses."

Come on people, if it was a good game, say "damn that was a good game."

If it was shitty or merely mediocre, don't dilute a phrase that could be used as a compliment if it didn't mean jack squat.

<Everyone on winning team> gg

<Cowclops> Shut the FUCK up. That was NOT a good game. You fucking slaughtered us. YOU played well, but we did not, so don't patronize us with halfassed "pleasantries" when you're really just being dingleberries.

See Cowclops


1) Phrase said at the end of a match, either online or in person. Means "Good Game", and indicates one of two things: Either it was truly a good, fairly played and close match, or one team got slaughtered.

2) Used as an insult. Either in the aformentioned way, or used to insult someone who has preformed an incredibly stupid act.

1a) *Red team wins, 50 to 47*

Red Team: GG

Blue Team: GG

1b) *Blue team wins, 50 to 7*

Blue Team: GG!

Red Team: Shut it.

2) *Doctor Olayer falls off edge of map.*

TFox: GG.

Olayer: STFU.

*Guy accidentally dumps mustard on the shirt of a cheerleader he likes.*

Friends: GG. G-Fucking-G

See pwnt, noob, n00b, owned, pwned


phrase used in multiplayer computer games meaning "good game." if two or more players have fought a good, hard battle, a "gg," usually first uttered by the losing player, is a polite way of admitting a loss. usually, the winning player follows with another "gg", meaning, "yes, good game."

however, if followed by a rude comment, such as "gg bitch," it means the opponent thinks he has won, or has no respect. some ruder gosu players sometimes will say, "gg", followed by "no re" meaning, no rematch, you're too weak for me.


4K.Grubby has devastated sk.Zacard's base sk.Zacard: "GG"

4K.Grubby: "gg"


4K.Grubby has devastated sk.Zacard's base

4K.Grubby: "GG KTHX NO RE N00B"

sk.Zacard: "WTF?"


1. Standing for "Good Game", it is usually said after a round or match of a game as a show of good sportsmanship.

2. Might also be used as another way of saying, "Good Going" or "Nice Job".

1. Red Team: GG, blue team.

Blue Team: What are you talking about ? The score was 50 - 7.

2. Person A: Dude, I think she's pregnant.

Person B: ... GG !!!

See good, game, going, nice, job


Abbreviation. Short for Golden Girls. Commonly used by Golden Girls fans.

I am going to watch GG tonight.

See golden girls, estelle getty, gg


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