Ghetto Brew

What is Ghetto Brew?


noun; an exceptionally strong alcoholic drink, usually lager or cider, made from yeast-fermented malt flavoured with hops or fermented apple juice respectively.

Ghetto brew is most commonly associated with the homeless or teenagers drinking in the park on the account of it's low price and ability to get you very drunk very quickly. An alcohol by volume (abv) content of above 8% is not uncommon.

The most popular brands include, Tennents Super, Carlsberg Special Brew and White Lightning.

Homeless man: "Can you go into the shop and get me 4 cans of Super T? The owner still won't let me in"

Jim:"The last time I went in there for your ghetto brew you only gave me £2.50, give the right money this time"

See tramp juice, white lightning


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