Ghost Of Pussy Past

What is Ghost Of Pussy Past?


The lingering spirit in any room of the house where you or your friends have gotten a woman so hot, she has left a visible reminder on the furniture. (see snail trail)

We are either gonnna cover up that stain or throw away this couch because it reminds me too much of the ghost of pussy past.


Memories that enter your head of past GF's when you are tired of banging your current one.

I'm really sick of this bitch and I keep getting haunted by the ghost of pussy past.

See pussy, ghost, past, sex


An ex girlfriend that is always hanging out at your house or with friends of yours and you see her when you go out

I tried to get with that girl but the ghost of pussy past was haunting me all night long

See puntang, pooty, ass, beaver, nappy dugout


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