What is Ghost Town?
A neighborhood in West Oakland, CA in the area of Martin Luther King Jr Way bordering from W. Grand Ave. to 35th Street. The name may have originated in the times when eminent domain forced hundreds of families out of their homes making the area feel like a ghost town. Many also refer to it as ghost town because of all the killings that have taken place in the area. A big percentage of Oakland's homicides happen in this area and the neighboring streets.
Bavgate, a rapper from Oakland signed to Thizz Ent., is from Ghost Town.
"You see that nigga Bavgate from Ghost-Town out there?"
A term referring to a town that is literally uninhabited, hence its name.
"Silent Hill is a true ghost town."
"There were a lot of ghost towns during the era of the Wild West thanks to roughneck criminals comin' in and a'shootin' the place up."
To destroy; to annihilate, to remove any trace of the thing in question. The phrase comes from
"'Cause a ghost town is found
Where your city used to be"
Often used in a culinary context (ex.1), "ghost towning" can also be applied in a threatening manner (ex.2). Sometimes used in an exclamatory sense (ex.3).
"I ghost towned that chicken!"
"Ghost town is found where that chicken used to be!"
(I rapidly consumed that chicken, leaving nothing left)
"I'll ghost town your SOUL!"
(I will beat you so badly that your soul will flee)
"Ghost towned!"
(An exlamation upon a decisive victory)
Located in the Northern part of San Diego county, "ghost town" known as San Marcos to non locals, or on maps. Ghost Town is dubbed one of the most laid back, lovable, party scenes and has an exceptional amount of friendly people. From the skaters, to the gangsters, to even the older crowd who has lived here for many years, the all seem to clash in their own way.
think of the movie "goodfellas" meets "american pie" - Ghost Town
Slang for Union City , NJ , because it is more low key then
"Yo nigga
chilltown is too hot,i got mad warrants nigga."
"Lets duck out in ghost town to make some loot and come back in a few days."
The Name of Chaos Con Queso's full length album.
"wow CCQ's Ghost Town album's really snazzy!"
"yeah, bro!"
Is a film 2008 staring ricky gervace
ghost town is amazing