
What is Ghosts?


You are wrong, Zach. (the guy who posted above me) A ghost is someone who has passed away, but got stuck on earth. A ghost doesn't know that they are dead. A ghosts energy can vary from cold to hot. A ghost can't physically harm you. A Poltergeist on the other hand can be very physical and violent. A spirit knows they are dead, a spirit can be anything from a demon, an angel, a messenger, etc. A spirit can even be God himself. Check your Facts Zach. I been doing Ghost/Spirit study for quite some time. Usually in a ghost or spirit case, you can order an Excorist, or one of my cherokee brothers, such as a Shaman.

I lived in a house haunted by a Poltergeist for 2 years when I was little. (True Story)


ghosts are the spirits of deceased people. they roam around in areas that they have been noted to have been before death.

most ghosts cant hurt you unless it is a juggernaught.

poltergeists are the demon spirts.

most can not be seen by the naked eye but do appear on camera.

i know that thy are around because of encounters and experiences.

noob: is my camera broken?

mad dood: no its an orb, a free moving spirt also know as ghosts.

noob: oh ok, your so smart.

mad dood: and sexual!

See ghosts, camera, sex, demon, juggernaught


Fictional beings that exist in fiction and in the mind of paranormal types who have bought into all the bullshit about the stupid idea of spirits and all that crap.

Amityville Horror is an example of a huge con bought into by a load of morons who believe in "Ghosts"

See hoax, fool, lies, ghosts, spirit, paranormal, ghost


Ghosts typically haunt older places or graveyards or homes that an untimely death has occurred in. While spirits know they are dead, there are spirits on Earth. Ghosts are unaware of the fact they are dead and acutally can harm you. Ghosts are easily captured on camera and on rare occasions can be seen with the naked eye. Ghosts also talk and on rare occasions you can hear them with your naked ears, but many times you need a tape recorder (or digital recorder) to hear them talking. Ghosts' personalities range. Some of them are vengeful and those are the ones to watch out for. Hauntings can get severe enough to posess an entire home. Those're my facts.

The Amityville Haunting is one of the most famous haunting hoaxes known to man. This involved the grisly murder of the DeFeo family. Pictures have been proven to show there are ghosts in the house.


Having great agility on the football field.

Not easy to tackle.

Being exceptionally fast.

Did you see him juke that guy, he's got ghosts.

See jets, talent, speed


a soul,a spirit,but mostly Danny Phantom!!!!!!!!!!

i saw ghosts the other day.

danny phantom is just so cute.

See supernatural, soul, phantom, dead


Specters, poltergeists, spirits, supernatural beings.

That was one scary ghost!


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