
What is Gilby?


Gilby is quite simply put, a fucking alcoholic, You know Gilby is drunk when he is seen staring off into space, laughing at nothing.

"look at him laughing at nothing"

"Yeah, what a fucking gilby"

See K-Dawg


The term Gilby originated in South Carolina when a red neck man by the name of Gilby made himself famous by creating the world's most alcoholic moonshine. This moonshine was so alcoholic that it had to be sniffed from the end of a match submerged only a tiny amount into it without breathing in or sniffing any of the large amounts of fumes it would create. Unfortunately, on trying this, Gilby was drunk and he ended up sniffing just one tiny bit of the fumes, resulting in his death.

An alcoholic (or someone who has harmed them self from excessive alcohol consumption) is called a Gilby because of this

Jesus, look a that cunt throwing up everywhere

He's being such a Gilby ...


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