
What is Giliberto?


Definition 1. The most

intercourse(fucking) at once with a female at once. *Example* finger to vaginal or anal or mouth(multiple(10 fingers=X10 holes(toes can count too)), mouth to vaginal(multiple), penis to vaginal AND anal AND mouth, simultaneously all at once!

Origin: Gil, meaning, most as possible for one usage. Berto, old roman for fuck.

Definition 2. person who can do the most overdose of a drug(marijuana(pot), crack, coke, meth, acid, shrooms, pills, anything ejected with needle, and also including alcohol), without blackout, or even death. And can still read sing the ABCs clear enough for a blind person to hear.

Definition 3. Crazy person who puts him self in danger of killing him/her self, or other people.

Origin: Gili, which comes Italian phrase for nik.

The word "Giliberto"'s examples were described for each of the following Definitions listed above.

"Oh yes that Giliberto last night was amazingly jolting! And i can still feel the throbing pain of the sensation!" said, one of the 20 girls that were at the party the other night.

See giliberto, nick, gil, fuck, crazy, sex, awsome, 69


having anal sex with a man while hanging upside down and sniffing another mans anus

nick pulled a giliberto on me and jack lastnight

See dirty sanchez, pink sock, chili dog, angry pirate, alligator fuckhouse


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