Adjective describing an object with properties that can be attributed to "gish".
That is so gishy.
He's one Hell of a gishy boy.
See hot, cold, yo, dog, cat, apple, pokemon, clicker, pepsi, games, tv, speaker, phone, powerthirst, cum, wtf, meat curtain, whoremonkey, ass, anus, fag, faggot, dirtbag, douchebag, douche, the game, fucktard, fap, fapping, g-string, g-unit, crackers, cookies, applesauce, jelly, shannon, almond, cheerios, oreos, oranges, silver, purple, ghetto, feet, fetish, gay, lesbian, bi, straight, straightedge, scene, emo, gangster, gangsta, punk, anarchist, ugly, prick, dick, flick, mick, chick, chic, wii, flea, bee, chi, nerd, geek, freak, beak, cheek, leek, leak, streak, hat, bat, fat, sat, rat, chat, lol, lollerskates, lulz, rotflol, olo, lolololololololololol, ogm, omg, ownd, pwnd, gnome, chrome, elf, shelf, cheese, nom, mudkip, charmander, bulbasaur, sex on legs, sex, teh, hawt, dowg, dawg, frog, log, clucky, ducky, fucky, chucky, frumpy, dumpy, dump, shit, fuck, cunt, bitch, naruto, narutard, intercourse, kitties, kitty, sex kitten, fob, ily, ttyl, patd, soad, pusa, aardvark, crabapples, barf, poop, rocks, docks, crocks, cocks, fish, dish, fresh, bomb-diggity, bombski, -ski, frisky, meowmix, purell, brick, shit bricks, brick'd, bricked, crackuh, honkey, nizzle, homie, dizzle, frizzle, chizzle, mizzle, crizzle, -izzle, fo, fo sho, skateboard, shredder, stoner, loner, sims, gym, crib, crab, std, citibank, bubblegum, gun, aaron, andrew, andria, alex, alexander, alexia, alexis, biff, boob, barney, brittney, bffl, bff, bffls, bffs, carlito, carlos, carl, charlie, charlie the unicorn, mittens, ferrets, swiffer, socks, poodles, african-american, black, white, red, yellow, green, orange, pink, rainbow, rouge, verte, noir, brun, brune, blanc, blanche, bleu, blue, gray, gris, gold, drole, gare, rammstein, gish