What is Gl Hf Dd Ka Hh Jk Gd Oe Iw Ky Mf Ay Ja Sf Cl Ds Jk Oa In Ia Nk Hh Hf Bl?


A term used in Warcraft II: Battle Net edition by




Literally meaning

"Good luck, have fun, don't die, kick ass, ha ha, just kidding. Go die, or else I will kick your mother fucking ass you jackass shitfaced cocklicking dicksucker. Just kidding! Or am I? No I am not kidding. Ha ha, have fun, bad luck."

It is only succesfully typed within the alotted 5 seconds approxamitely 33% of the time.

noob1: start

noob2: go

noob1: fucking start


CrimsonShadows: gl hf dd ka hh jk gd oe iw ky mf ay ja sf cl ds jk oa in ia nk hh hf bl

noob3: wot

noob1: wtf

See long, length, good luck, fuck, noobs, r0lb


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