
What is Globbit?


A derogatory term for one of gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender denomination; derivation of GLBT (GLoBbiT).

Also, glabbit.

Bartender: Sorry, guys, there's four of you but only one stool. Guess you'll have to go someplace el-

Homosexual 1: Let's flip for it!

Homosexual 2: No, let's flip it over!

Homosexual 3 & 4: Yay!

Bartender: Get out, globbits! You're barred!

See arse bandit, ass bandit, butch, carpet muncher, dike, dyke, fag, fagot, faggot, fudge packer, gay, glabbit, glbt, globbit, homo, homosexual, les, lesbian, lesbo, lez, lezbo, lezzer, lezzy, poof, poofter, queer, rug muncher, tranny, transexual, transgender, transgendered, transsexual, transvestite


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