What is Glompifimicatimitizify?


1-A hug in which the person is first tackled and thrown back at least five feet. This is usually given when one is very excited to see a person, and often when they have been separated for a long amount of time.

2-A hug in which one person purposely knocks the other backwards and, most likely, onto the ground, sometimes with tears in their eyes; a show of love unlike any other, really.

3-A violent way to say "I really love you, ok?"


Finally, she had come back. Two weeks without my favorite person, my best frinend, the love of my life, and now she was back. I saw her, and tears filled my eyes. I couldn't think of anything to do but run and hug her. Within moments, she had been glompifimicatimitizified. We fell, laughing together, both of us smiling. It was truly a joyful moment.

See glomp


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