Glory Fraulein Wolfe

What is Glory Fraulein Wolfe?


Well-published Naperville Illinois Artist who emersed from self-studied skills. Artworks are now being sold and galleried in varying subjects in paintings from Landscape, Seascape, Floral, Wildlife, Animals, Figure, and Still Life. Her artworks can be viewed at fineartamerica which offers Print-On-Demand with previews at a reasonable price. She is also commissioned for Wall Murals in both residential and commercial establishments.

Photography on documentary events and special occasions is also her forte most photos can be viewed at frauleincreations.ning.

She shares her passion for art by teaching in art classes, including one-on-one private tutorials.

This 2009, she has ventured into novel fiction writing. Her first book, Preserver of Life: The Memoirs of Jericho, a dark fantasy/paranormal dwelling on Angelology is now being published by Wild Child Publications. Excerp may also be viewed at booksie.

wild child publications


glory fraulein wolfe



See artist, glory fraulein wolfe, author, art, original


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