Go Stupid

What is Go Stupid?


to act stupid, crazy, like you drunk or high.(going stupid)a dance in which you shake your dreds...

People at a party in East Oakland...Jerome, has his hair in dreds, hes Going Stupid by shaking his dreds...

See Pimptress


To go stupid is to dance in a sort of crazy way. While dance it common to see one jump, jerk, and shake their head. You can call it a sperratic dance meaning that none of the motion done in the danceare scripted.

In the Dubs we go hella stupid. PEANUT go so stupid, you probably think that nigger is retarded.


A phrase that is half sung/half spoken by the black kids on my high school's track team. After someone does something dumb, you are supposed to say "Go stupid" as if you were singing "Go stupid, it's yo' birthday"

*A person trips*

"Go stupid"

See stupid, dumb, track, running


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