What is Goathead?
The seat behind the driver in a car is known as 'goathead'.
John called shotgun, Josh called roostertail right, so Charles was left with goathead.
Noun; Adjective; Verb
1. A term referring to a person who ditches his or her friends with little or no notice.
2. A person who will frequently ditch his or her friends for a significant other, or simply just for a member of the opposite sex.
3. As a verb, it is a term used to desribe the action of being blown off, stood up, or ditched.
Vaughn is such a Goathead! he said we were going to hang out tonight, but when I call him he won't pick up his phone!
Vaughn Goatheaded me for a fifteen year old girl! What a creep, and what a jerk!