What is Go-frango?
GO-FrangO is an intricate and spazzed out person that roams popular websites online. (Myspace,Newgrounds,EbaumsWorld,etc) First made an appearence on the addictive game
Kate: Gothic and artistic 24 year old women.
Ash(Ashley): Supposed girlfriend, pretty, and from Britian. Very social and nice. 15 years old.
Chris: Loves sports, and hanging out with friends. Ash's boyfriend. 16 years old.
Douge: 31 years old, Douge is a computer programmer who works with HTML.
It can be assumed that each of these ego's represents 4 major sub cultures of the average teenage society.
Kate= goths
Ash= preps
Chris= jocks
Douge= nerds
However, this is just a theory, and holds no real ground. Absolutely nothing is known about GO-FrangO, not even his/her sexual orientation. He could be considered one of the internets great unsolvable mysteries.
Larry: GO-FrangO is a jerk and an asshole
Jo: Cry.